Nollywood actor, Rasheed Abu, has died of an unknown illness. According to Punch, the actor slumped and later died on his way to the hospital. The President of Theatre Arts and Movie Practitioners Association of Nigeria, Bolaji Amusan, aka Mr Latin, said the deceased died on Wednesday. Speaking on the telephone with The PUNCH , Latin said, “Yes, he (Rasheed Abu) is dead. As the president of TAMPAN, I was reliably informed that he slumped, he was revived and unfortunately died on the way to the hospital.” Also, the actor’s death was announced by his friend and colleague, Yomi Gold, on Thursday on his Instagram handle. Most of the artistes took to their Instagram handles to mourn the late actor, amongst whom are Wunmi Toriola, Ibrahim Chatta, Yomi Gold, Kikelomo Adeyemi, Alesh Rilwan and Bigval Jokotoye. Yomi Gold wrote, “I just lost a dear friend. Death comes when we don’t expect. My prayers to your family and friends. Our moment togethe...
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